Dog Squad
Dog Squad! is set in a canine rescue center run by siblings Jilly and Jett Houndly and their dogs, known as the Dog Squad. They’re also not just a squad; they’re a family! They’re always looking out for each other, laughing together, and ready for whatever adventures come their way! The series explores the incredibly diverse world of dogs to help our young audience understand, embrace, and celebrate differences.
We are at a time in our history when our differences seem more important – and divisive – than what we share in common. One of the most important skills we can teach today’s children and the mission of the series is to help them see that, although we may all be different, we can all live happily – and peacefully - together.
And there’s no better way to do this than in a series about dogs. Children love dogs. Not everyone gets one, it’s true, but they can dream! Children are also fascinated by the incredible variety of dogs (800 breeds and counting). Inspired by this universal love of dogs, Dog Squad! adds a timely preschool curriculum centered squarely on diversity. Through discovering the different dog breeds; their temperaments, where they came from, why they look and act the way they do, their physical and mental traits, our young viewers will also discover that, while we all (people or pup) have unique dispositions and characteristics, we also share an inherent potential to co-exist. Dog Squad! encourages our audience to discover that with a little love, understanding, and a good tummy tickle or two, we can all learn to live in a happy, peaceful pack.
Format: 26x11 - Bridging ages 4-6
Created by: Jeff Rosen based on original concept by Adam Mimnagh
Developed by: Huminah Animation Originals Limited
Written by: Jeff Rosen & Doug Sinclair
Art Director: Jason Hopley